Why did God choose Aaron as high priest and not Moses?
I used to wonder about this. Here's an illustration: I’ve lived in Lagos, Nigeria for most of my life. I've never stepped foot in my father's hometown, somewhere in Ondo State. The local dialect is mostly Greek to me. I have no idea what issues the people there are dealing with. I’m closer to my mom’s side of the family. She's Yoruba like my dad was, but almost in name only; very heavy Bini influence. Just imagine how useless I would be as the chairman of the local government/senator representing the district in which my father’s village is situated. I don't even understand the local dialect. I'd be telling my advisers to “let them eat cake” very often because I'm likely to judge them and their needs based on my own personal experiences. The high priest stood as a representative of the people to God, making atonement on their behalf. Moses grew up in the palace of Pharaoh, probably not fully aware of the travails of the Israelites in captivity and...