
Showing posts from August, 2018

God gives us ALL things FREELY with Christ

Believer, believe right. In Christ, we don't have to make appointments, fast, grovel, pay tithe and sow seed in order to position ourselves for God's blessings or get God to bless; as if He is reluctant to bless and demands some form of payment, our giving something up or us enduring some form of discomfort first before He blesses us. Our heavenly Father has lavished on all who believe every blessing that we can and can't imagine upon Christ's death and resurrection for us and as us. Ephesians 1:3 says:  "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ," " Spiritual blessing " here does not mean intangible blessing or blessings we cannot see. They are blessings given by God who is Spirit to all who believe. See the Amplified Classic version: " May blessing (praise, laudation, and eulogy) be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ (the Me...

"…And when I see the blood, I will pass over you; and the plague shall not be on you to destroy you when I strike the land of Egypt." Exodus 12:13.

Believer, did you know that the blood of the Passover lamb is a picture of the blood of Jesus by which believers are made righteous in God's sight and saved from God's wrath; Romans 5:9 says- "And there is still much more to say of His unfailing love for us! For through the blood of Jesus we have heard the powerful declaration, “You are now righteous in My sight.” And because of the sacrifice of Jesus, you will never experience the wrath of God." God said in Exodus 12:13-  "…And when I see the blood, I will pass over you; and the plague shall not be on you to destroy you when I strike the land of Egypt." God did not say  "when I see your good works"  or  "when I see how well you are obeying the law"  or  “when I see your fasts, tithes and seeds."  Wonderful as these things are, they can neither make anyone right with God nor save from death,  "For no one can ever be made right with God by doing what the law commands. Th...

Jonathan's son Mephibosheth eating at David's table: a picture of you and I in Christ today. Pretty loooooong....

Believers, remember those two disciples (Cleopas and his companion) on the road to Emmaus in Luke 24? They were sad because they felt all hope was lost since Jesus had been crucified. They did not recognize our Lord Jesus on the way. Here's what our Saviour did on the way: "27 Then beginning with Moses and with all the prophets, He explained to them the things concerning Himself in all the Scriptures."   There was no New Testament at this time. Christ taught them about Himself from the Old Testament. And the result? See verse 32: "They said to one another, “Were not our hearts burning within us while He was speaking to us on the road, while He was explaining the Scriptures to us?”  Believers, the Old Testament is filled with faith pictures of our Saviour Jesus Christ and our salvation in Him. For every demand made of us by the law, He is the Supply. He overpaid it all. See our  Salvation (Jesus Christ) brought out of the shadows in the story of David...

What is the barrier to receiving from Christ? Pretty long...

Believers, remember Jeremiah prophesied the fall of Jerusalem and Judah's 70-year long captivity in Babylon? See 2 Chronicles 36:  21 " So the message of the Lord spoken through Jeremiah was fulfilled. The land finally enjoyed its Sabbath rest, lying desolate until the seventy years were fulfilled, just as the prophet had said." Judah went into captivity because they disobeyed God and did not let the land enjoy its Sabbath rest. You can imagine how seriously the Jews of old took the Sabbath after the Captivity! The Sabbath is not a small deal to observant Jews even today. Now consider what happened in Luke 6:6-11: " On another Sabbath day, a man with a deformed right hand was in the synagogue while Jesus was teaching. 7 The teachers of religious law and the Pharisees watched Jesus closely. If He healed the man’s hand, they planned to accuse Him of working on the Sabbath. 8 But Jesus knew their thoughts. He said to the man with the deformed hand, “Come an...

The story of our salvation in Christ Jesus.

I'd been doing my best to resolve the mosquito issues we'd been experiencing at my home (especially in our living room) for months. This breed of mosquitoes seemed to laugh off Mortein when I used it on them. I'd "Baygon" the whole place and see their dead bodies on the floor afterwards but our relief was always shortlived; they'd be humming all over the place again within hours! But then, I remembered Integrated Science or was it Home Economics😊: mosquitoes need stagnant water to breed! I rushed outside: close to our living room windows were two buckets, both of them half-filled with rain/tap water, and with all sorts floating thereon. Mosquitoes everywhere! The point being no matter how often I Baygon-ed the house, our respite from mosquitoes would always be temporary; unless their breeding places got destroyed. Plus insecticides have their own discomforts and side-effects and the mosquitoes would eventually become resistant to them too. How does this rela...