Understanding Isaiah 55:8 - 8 “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord.”
“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord.” Beloved of God, beware of “men of God" who single out this verse from the whole of Isaiah 55, ignore the verses before and after it and totally distort its context. When you take the text out of its con text , you are left with a con. Many of us have heard this verse taught in the context of: “ God is not sinful, unrighteous and wicked and shady like you worthless sinners. His ways are not your ways and His thoughts are not your thoughts so go and change your ways to be like God.” The first sentence of the above misinterpretation is basically stating the obvious: no churchgoer needs to be reminded about the godliness/righteousness of God. He is God. This horrid and antichrist interpretation in italics above is no different from the lie that Satan conned Eve into believing in Eden- that man can be godly through human effort (arm of flesh) at doing something. See Isaiah 55:8 in it...