Rahab: A type of the Church — the Bride of Christ.
Rahab was a harlot of Jericho who helped the two Israelite spies that came to spy out the land escape. But what’s even more important is the significance of Rahab and of this event to we who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. Recall that the Old Testament is all about Jesus Christ and our salvation in Him. Rahab who was saved from the destruction of Jericho is a picture of believers in Christ today. Interestingly, the word “spies” is translated from the Hebrew word “ Ragal ” which means— “to teach to walk” or “to lead to go” usually in the sense of leading children by the hand. In essence, Rahab was “taught to walk” by the spies. Whatever she learned and received from them, it caused this harlot not only to be saved from the destruction of Jericho but also to marry Salmon, an ancestor of David and of Christ; plus she was commended for her faith in the book of James! Rahab’s story is a typology for our salvation in Christ, beloved. Whatever it was that Rahab was taught by the ...