Why is Joseph in the Book of Genesis an important figure?
Joseph in the Book of Genesis is a type of Christ. Believer, recall that the Scriptures (Old Testament) serve as types and pictures for us today. See this 1 Corinthians 10:6- " Now, all these things serve as types and pictures for us—lessons that teach us not to fail in the same way by callously craving worthless things" Christ Himself gives us one such typology in John 3:14-17: the bronze serpent that Moses lifted up in the wilderness for the salvation of the Israelites from the sting of the fiery serpent and its deathly effects is a type of Christ lifted up for our salvation from the sting of death (sin nature) and its deathly effects (acts of sin that lead to death.) Like the bronze serpent, Joseph is a type of Christ: Joseph was a son beloved by his father, just as Christ is God's beloved Son. Joseph was sent on an assignment to his brothers by his father, just as God sent His beloved Son to the Jews at Christ's First Coming as the Son of Man Joseph the dreamer wh...