What is the Christian view on free will?
Understand that the best fake products are the ones which most mimic the original. Many among us practice something that would shock the early apostles, just as Paul was so shocked at the practice of the Galatians that he referred to them as being under a spell. Some non-Christians have the misfortune of engaging with churchgoers whose version of Christianity is a severely watered-down version of Judaism plus a smattering of “in Jesus’ name” attached to every prayer point, and so many non-believers have that notion of Christians being a bunch of finger-wagging, hypocritical bigots who are against even people breathing through their mouth and who try to shove obeying the Ten Commandments and other laws down everybody’s throat but their own— —quite the opposite of what Christ did when He walked the earth as man; and what He still does. Check out the ways of Christ in the gospels. Religious folk who thought they were being godly or good (like God) by their “free moral agency”hated and rej...