
Showing posts from February, 2023

Why is the Christian life so hard?

Here’s an illustration. I'd been doing my best to resolve the mosquito issues we'd been experiencing at my home for some months. This breed of mosquitoes seemed to laugh off  Mortein  (a brand of insecticide) when I used it on them. I'd use  Baygon , a stronger brand, and see their dead bodies strewn all over the floor afterwards but our relief was always shortlived; they'd be humming all over the place again within hours! They tormented me day and night. But one day, I remembered Integrated Science or was it Home Economics from secondary school: mosquitoes need stagnant water to breed! I rushed outside: close to our living room windows were two buckets, both of them half-filled with rain/tap water, and with all sorts floating thereon. Mosquitoes everywhere! My point is no matter how often I sprayed the house with insecticide, our respite from mosquitoes would always be temporary unless their breeding places got destroyed. Plus insecticides have their own harmful effect...