In Christ, surely goodness and mercy hunt us down all the days of our lives

Believers, many of us are familiar with Psalm 23:6 -

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
All the days of my life;
And I will dwell in the house of the Lord

The word "follow" in the first line does not do justice to "radaph," the Hebrew word that it was translated from. Radaph means “to pursue, to set off after someone in order to catch him.” The word is frequently used to describe the action of chasing down one's enemies or being chased down by them. Like an enemy in hot pursuit! Relentlessly. This is how our Lord Jesus Christ’s goodness and mercy chase after us!

So next time you read this Psalm, next time you feel so "bleh" or just don't know what to do, think of the goodness and mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ actively hunting you down, pursuing you relentlessly through every facet of your life, even as you unwittingly and actively try to flee or dodge away! He will catch you and when He does, He will bless you; everyday!

He is our Justifier.

Believe Right and you will Live Right.


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