The unbelieving "Christian." By God's grace, let's not be found here.

Many of us think that those who call our Saviour Jesus "Lord, Lord" but will face eternal damnation are those who are still sinning. Not so. Christ died for us to redeem us from EVERY lawless deed according to Titus 2:14 "who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for Himself His own special people, zealous for good works."

How could our Saviour Jesus Christ ever use the presence of the very things He came to redeem us from (our lawless deeds) as an excuse to not save us from them? This would be akin to a doctor refusing to heal a person (that he loved enough to die for) because the person is sick! It is the Great Physician, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ's once for all medication of "Neither do I condemn you" that makes us "go and sin no more." Only in Him do we have victory over sin.

See the sin that prevents a person from being saved in Christ's words concerning the Holy Spirit in John 16:

8-11 “When he comes, he’ll expose the error of the godless world’s view of sin, righteousness, and judgment: He’ll show them that their refusal to believe in me is their basic sin; that righteousness comes from above, where I am with the Father, out of their sight and control; that judgment takes place as the ruler of this godless world is brought to trial and convicted."

The sin that prevents one from being saved, enjoying the Lord's benefits and keeps one under the curse of the Law is that of unbelief in Christ. But what does believing Him entail?

A person can profess Christ yet not believe Him, even church leaders and people who have been "born-again" for donkey years, including yours truly until the Lord opened my eyes to His salvation. How? By calling Him "Lord, Lord" yet not believing the work that He accomplished for us on the cross.

For example:
Romans 5:19 tells us "For as by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, so also by one Man’s obedience many will be made righteous." 

But many in the church still believe that their right-standing with God is determined by how well they are keeping the Ten Commandments/their good works and not Christ's obedience, very contrary to Romans 3:20 which says no one can be made righteous in God's sight by doing what the law commands.These ones have been cut off from Christ according to Galatians 5:4 -

"For if you are trying to make yourselves right with God by keeping the law, you have been cut off from Christ! You have fallen away from God’s grace." 

To such, Christ is not Saviour. They do not believe Him.

Galatians 3:13 tells us that Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the Law but many believe that they still have to redeem themselves from generational and other curses by carnal (human effort) means like bringing their childhood pictures to church "as a point of contact" for deliverance and fasting to break padlocks of curses and bondage. There is no free indeed here, just people repeating the same cycle of hopping from one "deliverance" convention to another in order to be saved. Simply Believe!

To such, Christ is not Saviour. They do not believe that He has redeemed them from the curse of the Law because they are still trying to redeem themselves from the curse.

Romans 8:32 tells us "He who did not spare His own Son but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?" 

But many believe that they must do certain things like do their best to keep the Law or sow a seed first before God can heal or provide for them. Here, receiving from God depends on one's abilities and not on Christ's finished work. To such, Christ is not Saviour. They are working to earn their healing and provision which God gives to His children freely. They do not believe Him.

Zacchaeus the tax collector, the woman with the issue of blood and all who were healed and saved by our Lord Jesus Christ wouldn't have stood a chance if there were other terms and conditions for receiving! Only believe.

2 Corinthians 3:18 says "But we with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord."

But like Eve who was deceived by Satan, many try to transform themselves to be godly (be like God) by keeping the Law which gives the knowledge of good and evil like the tree of the same name. Like the tree which is a picture of the Law, the result of eating (feeding from the Law) is death. Satan's agents are pushing this agenda right inside the church! But according to Romans 3:20 "For no one can ever be made right with God by doing what the law commands. The law simply shows us how sinful we are." To such, Christ is not Saviour. They do not believe Him.

So much more. Many people call Jesus 'Lord, Lord' but do not see Him as Saviour. These beloved of God are not yet saved by Jesus. They are still trying to save themselves from God's righteous judgment. They do not believe that old things have passed away in their lives so they're still dealing with old things like curses and sin (which Christ has delivered us from) all by themselves. Christ only features in the "in Jesus' name" at the end of each prayer point but the real reason they expect their prayers to be answered is because they fasted or sowed seed thanks to Satan's agents on the pulpit.

Imagine someone preaching a whole sermon on the Ten Commandments! "Which ones are you not keeping?" they ask. Condemnation galore it is! These ones are helping Satan the Accuser throw his fiery darts of accusations that lead to condemnation and judgment right from the pulpit!

Please flee from any church where you are asked to keep the Law in order to get right with God (see Galatians 5:4,) give before you can get from the Lord God who gives us all things freely with Christ (see Romans 8:32) or do things like bring your childhood picture "as a point of contact" in order to "break" generational curses that Christ hung on the cross to redeem you from (see Galatians 3:13.) Satan's agents are hard at work pushing this false doctrine from the pulpit, presenting themselves as ministers of righteousness but the righteousness they preach is from works of the Law. See what Paul says of such in 2 Corinthians 11:

"14 And no wonder! For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light. 15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves into ministers of righteousness, whose end will be according to their works."

Believers, let's not be found among those who profess Christ but don't believe Christ (believe His finished work of granting us everlasting righteousness apart from works, redemption from the curse of the law, healing by His stripes, so much more.)

All you need to do is “...Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household.” Acts 16:31. The rest is up to Jesus according to Philippians 1:6 - 6 "being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."

He will save you from eternal damnation and your sins, sicknesses, oppression, depression, lack, stress, every earthly ill.

Believers, believe right. We all aspire to live lives of righteousness and moral excellence but only when your believing is right (by God's grace alone so ask Him now!,) will right living follow. This is the logic of heaven. With Christ as our righteousness, we don't HAVE TO live right; we GET TO live right. According to Romans 7:4, we get to produce "a harvest of good deeds for God." This is the logic of heaven. See 1 Corinthians 1:18-

"For the message of the cross is foolishness [absurd and illogical] to those who are perishing and spiritually dead [because they reject it], but to us who are being saved [by God’s grace] it is [the manifestation of] the power of God."

Remember Philippians 2:13 "For it is God who works in us both to will and to do for His good pleasure." He works His will in us, makes us desire to do it; gives us the ability to do it; does it through us and for us so we please Him and then He rewards us for doing it. Yet not us doing His will but Christ in us. Nothing to do with us. All to do with our Saviour Jesus. Even our being called to believe to enjoy His grace.

That's why in heaven, we will sing "Worthy is the Lamb that was slain" and not "Worthy is the Lamb that was slain....and me, I also played my part!"

How we please Him is in His hands. It's unforced. It's grace! It's Christ in us. It's natural because when we rest in Christ's finished work (which He gives us grace to do,) we become like Him. Let's look to the Giver and the gifts, including right living, will follow. All these things shall be added unto you, including the grace to live right, when you seek His Righteousness, not yours from works of the Law.

The Holy Spirit will teach you all things.

Believe Right and you will Live Right.


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