See our walk in the Spirit in the story of Rebekah and Isaac

Believers, did you know that The name "Rachel" (Rahel in Hebrew) means "Lamb" in English? It is the same word used to describe our Saviour Jesus in Isaiah 53:7, "Like a sheep (rahel) that is silent before its shearers, so did He not open His mouth".

Did you know that Rachel (Lamb) died from giving birth to Benjamin? This is a picture of Christ the Lamb of God who gave His life to give birth to all who are in Him aka the Benjamin Generation: cherished by our Saviour Jesus Christ, given life through His death and blessed beyond measure through no effort of ours but through His undeserved, unmerited favour (Grace.)

The Old Testament is filled with faith pictures like this one; By God's grace, see our Saviour Jesus Christ and our salvation in Him in these pictures. Remember the two despondent disciples on the road to Emmaus in Luke 24? They were sad because they felt that their hope of redemption was lost since Christ had died. Here's what He did as He walked with them:

27 "And beginning at Moses and all the Prophets, He expounded to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself."

There was no New Testament at that time so Christ showed them things about Himself from the Old Testament. Check out the result in verse 32! "And they said to one another, “Did not our heart burn within us while He talked with us on the road, and while He opened the Scriptures to us?”"

Seeing Christ unveiled in the Scriptures sets our hearts on fire for Him! We get to see His heart of love towards us and how hopelessly and irrevocably saved are all who truly believe in Him.

See our Saviour unveiled in the story of Joseph, hated, rejected and betrayed by his own brothers but accepted by the Gentile Egyptians; married an Egyptian woman and became the giver of bread (grain) to the Gentiles; he is a picture of Christ who was hated, rejected, persecuted and betrayed by His brethren the Jews but is now the Bread of Life to His bride the church which comprises mostly non-Jews!

See our Saviour unveiled in the love story of Isaac and Rebekah. Abraham's servant Eliezer journeyed to find and bring back a bride, Rebekah, for Isaac on Abraham's directive. So much went down at Rebekah's house, e.g her mom and her brother trying to get her to wait at least 10 days (a picture of the law!) before she could leave with Eliezer but he would have none of it. During their journey back home, he would have told her all about Isaac as he led her on a path that she did not know to marry a man that she had not seen. This is a type of our walk in the Spirit today. We (believers, the bride of Christ) are a type of Rebekah and Christ is our Isaac.

Did you know that the name of the servant that Abraham sent to look for and bring back a bride for Isaac - Eliezer - means "my God is help?" It's no coincidence that our Saviour Jesus refers to the Holy Spirit as Helper in John 14:26 - 

"But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you."

Anytime Rebekah got discouraged or tired from the journey, Abraham’s servant would comfort her and help her in her weaknesses, just as we have the Holy Spirit to comfort and help us during life’s challenges, persecutions and when we feel helpless and alone. He’s always there. As Abraham’s servant was with Rebekah all through her journey to meet Isaac, today, the Holy Spirit is with us on this journey we’re on, giving us gifts, making intercession for us, helping us in our weaknesses, comforting us and teaching us all things, until we meet our Lord Jesus face-to-face at the Rapture.

The Holy Spirit will teach you all things.

Believe Right and you will Live Right.


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