Christ sets free indeed

Have you ever wondered why many Christians are still entrenched in acts of sin and under oppression by the devil today, notwithstanding how much time they devote to fasting, praying, binding demons and breaking generational curses? Have you ever wondered how someone who professes that his body is the temple of the Holy Spirit can be demon-possessed (light and darkness cannot co-exist, by the way)? Are you tired of the endless cycle of oppression and deliverance sessions and wonder how come you are not “free indeed?” Then this is for you!

Remember what Jesus told his disciples in Matthew 10:8 “Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely give.”

All believers in Christ have this as an inheritance in Christ today “because as He is so are we in this world.” – 1 John 4:17. Also, our Lord Jesus said in John 14:2-

"I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works, because I am going to be with the Father.”

This says that every believer in Christ has been gifted with the power to heal the sick, cast out demons and raise the dead, including you if you are a believer! By His grace, we do these things so that those who do not believe can believe.

But many in the church see this power and receiving from our Heavenly Father as something that can only be obtained by keeping the Ten Commandments and spending endless hours shouting themselves hoarse in positions of discomfort so that God can see that they mean business! They see it as the jurisdiction of certain sets of "holy" people who have paid their dues and earned the rights to God's power and blessings by their own efforts. Many do not see it as a work that has been perfectly accomplished for us by our Saviour Jesus Christ.

This is reflected in some believers, even some pastors and leaders, praying a 5-second prayer for someone with a headache but when it comes to cancer or casting out demons, the prayer is longer, has to happen at night and is accompanied by more shouting with more bible verses thrown in the mix, because they feel that they need to work/pray harder for God to answer them in such situations. It doesn’t work that way. Jesus fed 5,000 with five loaves and 4,000 with seven loaves. It took more bread to feed the smaller group.

The Lord forbids that your kids get sent home from school because their fees haven’t been paid. Will your payment of the fees be determined by how much your children shout their plea for you to provide for them? No! You will not rest until the fees are paid. How much more our Heavenly Father who freely gives us all things in Christ. Romans 8:32 says 

"He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?"

By all means shout if you are in pain or get emotional, but not because God will not hear you unless you leave church with your vocal chords in tatters. He already gave us His Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ without us even asking. How shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?

In essence, many are not receiving their healing and deliverance/entering Christ’s rest today because they do not believe that these things are freely given to those who are in Christ. Likewise, many, including pastors and leaders, are not freely giving today because they do not believe that they freely receive from our Heavenly Father. This is why many continue to dish out and accept terms and conditions in order to access what our Lord God has freely given us with Christ - all things, according to Romans 8:32. The result of doing these dead works (keeping the law in order to get right with God) is believers getting cut off from Christ, according to Galatians 5:4- 

"For if you are trying to make yourselves right with God by keeping the law, you have been cut off from Christ! You have fallen away from God’s grace."

But thank God for His grace that opens our eyes to His love for us more and more. It's not too late for you to take your blood-bought place with Christ at the right hand of our Heavenly Father and be free indeed. Like Abraham's servant (the Holy Spirit) on the journey to find Rebekah (that's us, the bride of Christ) to take her to finally meet Isaac (our Lord Jesus), we have the Holy Spirit to teach us all things about our Saviour Jesus always until the Rapture when we get to be with Him forever. By His grace, use the gift of tongues a lot:)

Believers, let your righteousness be found in what Christ has done for us and not what you do or don’t do so you too can freely give and freely receive. This way, you know that when you pray for someone to be healed, you are not the healer. Christ in you is the one doing the healing. When you submit your requests to our Heavenly Father in prayer without thinking that He owes you because you fasted or sowed a seed, a simple groan will reach His Throne.

Because the Holy Spirit transforms us, not our efforts, you find that you pray more, read your bible more, love to hear the word, talk about our Saviour more, give more and do exploits without even knowing it! Christ in us does it all!

He loves us so, so much!

Believe Right and you will Live Right!


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