Between the Shepherd and His sheep.
It's no coincidence that Psalm 23 is so famous worldwide. The Lord made it so. To get a glimpse into who Christ is to you who believe Him, consider the relationship between a shepherd and his sheep. Without the shepherd, the sheep is lost and as good as dead. Once a sheep is cast (falls on its back,) no amount of effort on its part can right it. It cannot get back on its feet by itself. It needs someone to right it and make it whole. In the cast position, it becomes easy prey for devourers who begin to eat it while it is still alive- the story of many in the church who are still trying to "get right with God" by human effort at doing right (keeping the law.) But in Christ, we have His righteousness as a gift! Christ our Shepherd gave Himself to set us right with God. He Himself has said: "for without Me you can do nothing." This is grace. Psalms 37:24 says of the righteous: "When he falleth, he is not cast down, For Jehovah is sustaining his hand....