Only Jesus never fails.

Believer, have you been let down or betrayed by someone you trust lately, even situations akin to Joseph's brothers selling him into slavery or the cup-bearer forgetting him in prison or Potiphar's wife bearing false witness against him? BY GOD'S GRACE ALONE (so tell Him alone about it) don't fret or wonder "how could they do this to me?" This is human nature: very fickle and sometimes not by choice.

Sometimes, people forget; or they get too embarrased to tell you that they don't have the power to do whatever it is you've asked or begged them to. At other times, people are just plain mean and really want to see you fail for whatever reason.

Like Peter who said and absolutely knew that he would not deny Jesus but went on to do so three times and with cursing and swearing, people sometimes make promises that they, with all of their heart, intend to keep, but they end up disappointing you or vice versa. Anyone of us could be at the receiving or giving end of any of these situations at any time but for the grace of God.

"The arm of flesh will fail." Not "might fail," but "will fail." Even yours, so the silliest thing we could say to ourselves is "I could never do that."🙂 Remember Peter. Thank God that His strength is made perfect in weakness. His strength is perfected in us when we acknowledge that in our own strength, no sin is beneath us.

Only in Christ are we able to do all things. Let's look to Christ as the One who makes us able to give and the One who supplies our needs. He Himself said "for without Me you can do nothing."

Whatever it is you are faced with, believe Jesus (know that He has finished the work of your salvation and you have nothing to add to it,) and you will be saved from it. With the Lord as your righteousness, I believe that Christ is doing a work in your life that will elevate you beyond your wildest dreams and make you able to forgive and even love those who hurt you deeply, much like Joseph's experience. By His grace, keep seeing yourself as Christ is: Righteous.

The Holy Spirit will teach you all things.

Believe Right and you will Live Right.


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