See Christ unveiled in the story of David

There are so many faith pictures of our Saviour Jesus Christ in the story of the life of David. Remember that after the Lord gave him victory over Goliath and the army of the Philistines, Saul became jealous and consistently tried to kill him? This is much like how, today, preachers of the horrid mixture of law and grace start to attack grace children when they feel threatened by grace.

Such preachers teach along the lines of “obey the Ten Commandments, pay your tithes, etc... or else God will not bless you in Jesus’ name.” Moses and Jesus combined! Believers, our salvation is not about how many days one spent in sack cloth fasting on some mountain or how well one keeps the law. This is how we are saved: Romans 3-

26 “...and He makes sinners right in His sight when they believe in Jesus. 27 Can we boast, then, that we have done anything to be accepted by God? No, because our acquittal is not based on obeying the law. It is based on faith. 28 So we are made right with God through faith and not by obeying the law.”

Grace does not recognize human effort at all. Everybody who is saved is saved the same way - by grace through faith - and not by works (how much we kept the law or fasted.) But because these “mixture” preachers’ brand of Christianity is based on how good a person is through human effort at keeping the law, just like the Pharisees, they think that Grace will make people stop respecting them, stop coming to their churches or stop paying tithe. So they try to stifle the message by mixing it with some law! Such preach “Obey the Ten Commandments, pay tithes, sow seed, etc....or else God will not bless you. In Jesus name.” This is not Christianity. Sorry, I digress🙂

So David fled from Saul to the cave of Adullam, and guess who went to join him there: the Distressed, those in Debt and the Discontented! 1 Samuel 22:2 -

"All those who were in distress or in debt or discontented gathered around him, and he became their commander. About four hundred men were with him."

This is a picture of Christ and the grace revolution that is setting hearts on fire for Christ all over the world today. People are getting tired and discontented with the untruths that many "church leaders" are preaching in the name of Christ and are seeking the Truth. This is the Spirit of God moving. Like Saul who was trying to destroy David, proponents of established religious practices in the church are still trying to suppress the message of the cross (Grace) which Paul described as "foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God." in 1 Corinthians 1:18.

But we all know that David and his 3D army (many of whom were transformed into giant slayers like David) overcame, all without wishing for Saul's death! This is the beauty of these faith pictures. We get to see the result of being in Christ.

The Root and the Offspring of David, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, is still receiving recruits into His 3D army - Distressed souls (oppressed, filled with fear, anxiety, worry and depression,) those in Debt (dreading payment/judgment for their sins and financially too!) and the Discontented (generally unhappy with life and the message that is being preached in many churches and seeking the Truth.)

As He orchestrated in the faith picture with David above, our Lord God is receiving all who come unto Him, no matter how sinful or miserable; no matter the level of their indebtedness to the law; accepting and granting peace to the discontented. He transforms us into His holy people and employs us in His service. He is using weak instruments - the Distressed, the Debtors and the Discontented - to bring about His own purposes. No room for those who are "not that bad" and can still manage to do things to save themselves to join this army!

Believers, ask the Lord to lead you on the path of righteousness. By His grace, join this army of Christ just as you are - Distressed, in Debt, Discontented. These traits are what qualify you to join and when you do so by His grace, you will never remain the same.

Where the men of Israel saw Goliath (representing whoever or whatever troubles or puts you under condemnation today) and fled in fear at his taunting, David saw an uncircumcised Philistine that dared to taunt the armies of the living God. David killed Goliath and his 3D army went on to become like him, also killing giants! With Christ, you too will slay the giants of reproach, oppression, depression and discouragement that the cursed Satan taunts you with today, yet not us but Christ in us. 

1 John 4:17 says "Love has been perfected among us in this: that we may have boldness in the day of judgment; because as He is, so are we in this world."

With Christ as our righteousness, as He is, so are we in this world. In Him, everything representing what that reproach-peddling Goliath is accusing us of (weakness, oppression, depresssion, acts of sin, distress, debt, discontent, fear, addiction whatever) and Goliath himself (Satan the Accuser) is defeated and not because we put in any effort. It is His undeserved, unmerited favour- Grace. In Christ, we get to slay giants, yet not us but Christ in us! Only believe. He is Saviour to the uttermost.

Tell Him now that you don't even know what to pray or where to start. He loves it when we take and take from Him. He will give you your prayer. He will help you. He will save you. Always.

The Holy Spirit will teach you all things.

Believe Right and you will Live Right!


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