In Christ, all things consist...

Have you ever indulged in fantasies about having everything you want and being able to do whatever you want; having all the money you want; getting to the peak of your profession; being able to date/marry anyone you choose; curing disease; being the wisest person in the room; living in the house of your dreams and driving any car that you desire? Do you think that having all of these things can bring lasting peace and joy?

There was a man that had all of these things and much more - Solomon, the son of David. He had 700 wives and 300 concubines. He is the wisest man that ever lived. He was always the smartest person in the room. He had the best houses and the best rides of his time. He had the most herds and flocks, servants, gardens and orchards, silver and gold. People put his networth in today's valuation at $200 billion. I believe it's way more. He had ALL the things that we could ever wish for. According to the bible, whatever his eyes desired, he did not keep from them - yet when he looked on all of these things as recorded in Ecclesiastes 2, he described them as "vanity and grasping for the wind"!

While all these things are good (they are God's blessings for the world that He so loved,)without Jesus, running after them in the pursuit of happiness will leave us disappointed eventually. The momentary happiness that comes with each new acquisition quickly gives way to emptiness; and a thirst for more.

We are created in the image of God so it would be impossible for material things to bring lasting joy, peace and contentment. We are created in God's image so only the One in whom God is well pleased can bring us true joy and pleasure, and that One is our Lord Jesus Christ.

The bible says in Colossians that "in Him all things consist" - all things are held together. In Him we have it all and in Him we have it all together. When Jesus is the centre of your life, not only will "all these things" "be added unto you", you will also experience "the peace of God that surpasses all understanding". His blessings that make one rich and adds no sorrow with it will pursue you and overtake you. Now that's life!

With Christ, we don't give to get, we get to give.


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