Jesus Christ the Light of the world shines to bring the sinner who believes out of the darkness of sins, condemnation and judgment.

Believers, beware of teachers of religious law in the church and religious churchgoers who teach that helpless sinners who are looking for Salvation can face judgment or die in Jesus' presence if they do not do certain things by their own power. In the gospels, no sinner ever got what they deserved or died in Jesus' presence. He saved and is still saving hopeless, helpless sinners from judgment. He FREELY gives life to all who come to Him for Salvation.

The story of the woman caught in adultery (John 8:1-12) is a fantastic illustration of what happens when the helpless sinner who is faced with judgment meets Christ. Jesus did not tell her to first go and fast, undergo "deliverance" or make vows to be good going forward first before He saved her from the judgment that had been passed on her according to the law. He saved her from death. The wages of sin, all sin, is death. It doesn't matter whether the sinner stole a pin or stole an elephant.This is why the law-toting teachers of religious law and the Pharisees could not stone the woman. All have sinned and the wages of sin is death.

No amount of giving to the poor, fasting, restitution, confession of sins, obeying the Ten Commandments or reciting Psalm 91 could have saved the woman from judgment in her convicted state, "For no one can ever be made right with God by doing what the law commands..." Romans 3:20. Without Christ, she would still have died. These works cannot save anybody from judgment today either. Only Jesus saves, and His salvation is a "no questions asked" salvation for all who believe that He is Saviour, even the vilest offender who believes.

But today's religious teachers of the law who also profess Christ (neither cold nor hot) preach the horrid lie that before Jesus can save you from judgment, there are terms and conditions (such as doing charitable deeds in order to be delivered from the judgment of lack, fasting for 70 days in order to be delivered from the judgment of oppression, religiously paying tithes in order to be delivered from the antics of the devourer and obeying the Ten Commandments in order to be righteous) before Christ saves us from judgment. Wonderful as these works of the law are, they cannot save anybody any more than they could save the sinner woman because "the wages of sin is death." Only death will suffice. A death that Christ died for all.

Lack, fear, worry, sickness, stress, oppression, depression are all symptoms of death aka "death begun." Remember Adam did not drop dead immediately after his death sentence came into effect. Moses said of the Lord in Psalm 90:4 -"A thousand years in your sight are like a day that has just gone by,..." Adam's almost 1000 years are like a day in God's sight.

Beloved of God, what judgment or "death begun" are you facing in this day, even as a direct consequence of your sins and no matter how vile they are? Is it fear, stress, lack, poverty, sickness, wayward kids, depression, worry, rodents in your finances, oppression or constant and silly mistakes? Even the threat of losing your job because of something bad that you did? Picture yourself as the sinner woman that was brought to Christ by her accusers. Jesus Christ the Light of the word does not shine to condemn sinners and expose sinners to judgment. He shines to save sinners from condemnation and judgment, just as He saved the sinner woman.

To the sinner who sees himself as having no righteousness of his own but trusts in Jesus Christ the Light of the world for his righteousness, He is Saviour. Those who think they are righteous because of their puny and worthless efforts at obeying the Ten Commandments and doing good deeds are their own light. They reject Christ the Light of the world like the sinner woman's religious accusers.

By grace, stop trying to save yourself with your many fasts, tithes, trips to "the mountain" and vows to obey the law that no one can be made righteous by (Romans 3:20.) Let Jesus save you. See His word to you in Isaiah 30:15 (MSG)-

"God, the Master, The Holy of Israel, has this solemn counsel: “Your salvation requires you to turn back to me and stop your silly efforts to save yourselves. Your strength will come from settling down in complete dependence on me— The very thing you’ve been unwilling to do."

As He did with the sinner woman, He will save you from judgment, no demands made and no questions asked. Only believe. It is our Saviour's "Neither do I condemn you" that makes us "go and sin no more." He came to free us from condemnation and save us from our sins, not punish us for them, as it is written in Matthew 1:21 -

"She will bear a Son, and you shall call His name Jesus [the Greek form of the Hebrew Joshua, which means Savior], for He will save His people from their sins [that is, prevent them from failing and missing the true end and scope of life, which is God]."

Christ does it all. Let's stop our silly attempts to save ourselves. Live life "being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ;" Philippians 1:6.


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