Utterly destroy the Amalekites...

Believers, 1 Corinthians 10:11 tells us why the Old Testament was written:
But today, let's take a look at why God rejected Saul as king and how Saul died. Recall Saul here is a picture of mankind. He went to battle with the enemy of the Jews- the Philistines. Recall these are types and shadows? Unlike the Jews of old and their Philistine enemies, our enemies that we battle today are not physical enemies. Our "Philistines” (from a Hebrew root word which means “Weakeners”) today are all earthly ills (e.g. anxiety, fear, depression, unemployment, disease, lack, weaknesses, depression, working hard and having nothing to show for it, what other people are thinking about one, etc) that discourage, bring reproach and cause many to despair. Thank God for victory through our Champion Jesus Christ.
So Saul went to battle the Philistines. But God was not with him, and for only ONE reason which is written in 1 Samuel 15:


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