What does "looking unto Jesus" mean?
One better to interpret the Word than the Word Himself. He says in one of the
most popular Bible passages- John 3:14-16:
"14 And as Moses lifted up the
serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up, 15 that
whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. 16 For God so
loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in
Him should not perish but have everlasting life. 17 For God did not send His
Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might
be saved."
Christ draws a parallel between the way that the
Israelites who looked at the bronze serpent that Moses lifted
up in the wilderness got to escape death and the way that we get to “not
perish but have eternal life.” His typology here is the key to
understanding what looking unto Jesus is all about: believing
in Jesus.
In Christ's words, we see how it is only utterly
helpless sinners who put absolutely zero confidence in human strength or their
ability to produce good that are eligible to partake and can continue to
partake in this activity of looking unto Jesus.
The Israelites that had been bitten by snakes
only had to look at the bronze serpent on the pole - for us,
Christ lifted up on the cross to free us from the power, pleasure and penalty
of sin, grant us everlasting righteousness apart from the Law and to give us
eternal life. Believing this way is what looking unto Jesus is all about. And
it is utterly free for all mankind.
Imagine the Israelites trying to suck the snake
venom/sting out of their wounds, rushing off to do burnt offerings/give gifts
to God, sowing seed, paying tithe or doing their best to keep the Law in order
to be healed and escape death instead of looking unto the
bronze snake on the pole for salvation from their ills. They would have been
distracted from looking with all of their futile efforts at doing what the law
commands in order to be made whole. The effect of the snake sting within isn't
stalled by these futile activities. Rather, it gets worse. Death is the result.
But this is exactly what many in the church
today are being led to do with that antichrist “Yes we are saved by Grace
but we still have to obey the Ten Commandments and do good things in order to
be godly, made whole, escape God's wrath and make it to heaven” doctrine.
In Jeremiah 17:5- "The Lord says,
“Those who trust in human beings are under My curse. They depend on human
strength. Their hearts turn away from Me.""
Trusting in human beings includes trusting in
your own ability or strength to produce good, because you are a human being:)
To depend even the tiniest bit on your own human strength to achieve salvation
(from sins, lack, sickness, depression, death in hell, whatever) is to
turm away from the Lord. Also consider Psalm 34:5-6:
"They looked to Him and were
radiant, And their faces were not ashamed. 6 This poor man cried out, and the
Lord heard him, And saved him out of all his troubles."
"Saved" above is not
just being saved to go to heaven; it encompasses deliverance from the
molestation of enemies and redemption from all earthly ills including lack,
sickness, demonic oppression, making stupid mistakes, etc. It is being saved
from the power, pleasure and penalty of sin. The word used in the original
Greek text of the New Testament is Swthria (pronounced
soteria) and it encompasses all these meanings.
Christ says "There is none good but
God." But evil pastors preach dependence on human strength at
being good like God aka "be like God." This is the same
false doctrine that Satan preached to Eve in Eden. Believer, beware of such
whose preaching turns people away from the Lord. No looking unto Jesus here.
The arm of flesh (human strength) will fail. Of ourselves, there is no good in
man (Romans 7:18.)
The more one tries to be good like God or do the
right/godly thing by human effort (keep the Law) in order to be godly (be like
God) and saved from poverty, lack, all earthly ills and death in hell, the more
sins will multiply — the same way the Israelites would have died if they had
opted to run around looking for how to be free from the snake sting (sin
nature) and its symptoms (acts of sin and their deathly consequences)
that lead to death, giving the snake sting time to spread and wreak havoc. The
Law that many try so hard to keep (and thus have turned away from Christ who
is Grace-personified) has this effect: Romans 7:5—
“When we were controlled by our old
nature, sinful desires were at work within us, and the law aroused these evil
desires that produced a harvest of sinful deeds, resulting in death.”
Looking unto Jesus means utterly trusting and
depending on Him for salvation from acts of sin and their deathly effects of
earthly ills as well as death in hell- just as the snake-bitten Israelites
looked to the bronze serpent and were made whole. This is what God's word says.
But man just want to add more terms and conditions to be met by human strength
that will fail to the only condition for our salvation: looking unto Jesus for
salvation from sin and death the same way that the Israelites that were bitten
by snakes in the wilderness looked expectantly to the bronze
serpent that Moses lifted up and were made whole.
1 Corinthians 15:56-57 says: “56 The
sting of death is sin, and the strength of sin is the law. 57 But thanks be to
God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”
The snake sting in the Israelites that got bit
is a picture of Sin in man. Trying to obey the law in order to get rid of the
snake sting (sin nature) and its effects (acts of sin and their
deathly effect) only makes sin stronger and able to wreak more havoc
in the lives of all who try. Our victory is found only in utter dependence on
Jesus Christ.
The more one tries to be good like God or do the
right/godly thing by human effort (keep the Law) in order to be godly (be like
God) and saved from poverty, lack, all earthly ills and death in hell, the more
sins will multiply — same way the Israelites would have died if they had opted
to run around looking for how to be free from the snake sting (sin nature) and
its symptoms (acts of sin and their deathly consequences) that lead to death,
giving the snake sting time to spread and wreak havoc. Paul makes reference to
this scenario in Romans 7—
"5 When we were controlled by our
old nature, sinful desires were at work within us, and the law aroused these
evil desires that produced a harvest of sinful deeds, resulting in death. 6 But
now we have been released from the law, for we died to it and are no longer
captive to its power. Now we can serve God, not in the old way of obeying the
letter of the law, but in the new way of living in the Spirit."
Notice that the one with the "old nature"
is the one who is still under the power of the law. He is yet to be "released
from the law." He is trying to serve God by "obeying the
letter of the law," just like the unbelieving and antichrist
Pharisees. But false doctrine teachers interpret “When we were controlled by
our old nature”as desiring to commit sins with reckless abandon. Not so.
The one with the old nature strives to get right with God and escape His wrath
by keeping the law thus rejecting God's gift of righteousness that Christ died
that we might freely have.
Many churchgoers are still experiencing the
effects of the sting of death (like the snake sting/poison that killed some
of the Israelites) in the form of proliferation of acts of sin,
depression, sickness, lack, oppression, stress, everything that is as a result
of the sin nature (sting of death) inherited from Adam because they are
not looking to Christ alone for salvation, even salvation from sins and
addictions. Just as rushing off to do things in order to be healed would have
made the snake venom wreak more havoc, the Law (human strength/effort at
obedience) that many churchgoers are trying to keep in order to be godly/saved
gives sin power over them. Romans 6:14 says:
"For sin shall not have dominion
over you, for you are not under law but under grace."
The Israelites who got bitten by snakes and
looked expectantly at the bronze serpent that Moses lifted up are a picture of
believers in Christ today. For we who believe, Christ has rid us of the snake
sting that is the sin nature inherited from Adam: Colossians 2:11-
"When you came to Christ, you were
“circumcised,” but not by a physical procedure. Christ performed a spiritual
circumcision—the cutting away of your sinful nature."
In Christ, we no longer have the root of Sin (snake
sting) that causes man to produce acts of sins that lead to death (symptoms
of snake bite that lead to death.) Like the Israelites that were suffering
from the effects of snakebite who looked and continued to look at the
bronze serpent until they were made perfectly whole, all of us who are
looking unto/believing in Jesus no longer have the snake sting (sin nature) so
we can only get better; but we still have symptoms of sin in us. Our
entire life is spent looking unto Jesus. In fact, this side of eternal
life and until we have our new bodies at the Rapture, no one is entirely free
from the symptoms of Sin by himself. This is what Christ said is doing until He
returns for us at the End:
"Jesus said, “Don’t bicker among
yourselves over Me. You’re not in charge here. The Father who sent Me is in
charge. He draws people to Me—that’s the only way you’ll ever come. Only then
do I do My work, putting people together, setting them on their feet, ready for
the End."
The one who can be "ready for the
End" aka free from acts of sin even the tiniest bit by his human
strength at keeping the law has no need for our Saviour Jesus Christ and thus
cannot be a believer. This is why Christ came: to free us from every kind of
"He gave His life to free us from every
kind of sin, to cleanse us, and to make us His very own people, totally
committed to doing good deeds." Titus 2:14.
Our wholeness and godly walk here on earth comes
from utterly looking to Christ for salvation, without the distractions of human
effort at obeying the law and doing other stuff in order to be made godly and
Beware of false doctrine and antichrist pastors
who try to distract you from looking to Jesus by telling you to rush off to
obey the law, sow seed, prove your faith with works and generally depend on
what you can do with your useless human strength in order to be free from your
sins and earthly ills like sickness, lack, demonic oppression, making stupid
mistakes and generally be good like God; any snake-bitten Israelite that
attempted this would have died. Their teaching seems good, just as trying to be
godly (be like God) by human strength seemed good to Eve. But this is the way
that seems right to man but the end is death-
"There is a way that seems right to
a man, But its end is the way of death." Proverbs 14:12.
Our faith is proven and can be seen by the world
the same way the affected Israelites experienced salvation from the snake sting
(sin nature) and its effects (ungodliness and its deathly effects.)
As it was with Peter who thought he could keep
the 9th Commandment of not bearing false witness but ended up denying Christ
three times, you will only end up falling flat on your face if you depend on
you for godliness. As it was with Judas who tried to restore himself into God's
good books after he sinned, only depression and even suicidal thoughts await
those who try to right themselves with God by their human strength.
Never trust yourself. Like Peter, many
churchgoers do not realise that the reason why we are not committing particular
sins is because God did not allow us to get tempted beyond what we can bear. (1
Corinthians 10:12-13.) Apart from God's saving Grace, the potential to commit
heinous crimes is in everybody. God sees this potential and how favourable
circumstances make some think that some sins are beneath them or that they can
obey the law and do works to "prove their faith."
By God's Grace, keep your eyes and expectation
of salvation from sin and death on Jesus Christ. Then, you will live in triumph
over sin and death and be strong and do exploits, yet not you but Christ in
you. This is why you will NEVER hear a true believer boasting
about how "God gave me a jet because I sowed my car and did not
sin." Such who boast in this manner have no idea that God's mercy
is the "skeleton" that keeps them standing and restrains them
from devolving into committing the most heinous of crimes. Paul addressed this
truth in Romans 1 where a group who “suppress the truth” of
righteousness by faith (verses 16-19) devolved into sin after “God lifted
off His restraining hand…” —
“24 This is why God lifted off His
restraining hand and let them have full expression of their sinful and shameful
If God lifted off His restraining hand that
restrains us from devolving into committing heinous sins and let us rely on our
human strength and will-power at keeping the law in order to be saved, godly or
for whatever reason, we would all devolve into sin and see how utterly lacking
in good works we are of ourselves.
For the many good works that we who believe get
to do and which the world can see, God gets all the glory. His gift of
righteousness to us in Christ is the "skeleton" that holds and
keeps us upright and makes us able to do exploits. Without His Grace, all of us
would crumple into the helpless mass of sins-ridden flesh that man is of
himself. In Christ who is Grace-personified, our life in Christ is like that of
Paul who worked harder than all the other apostles. See 1 Corinthians 15:10-
"But because of God’s grace I am
what I am. And His grace was not wasted on me. No, I have worked harder than
all the other apostles. But I didn’t do the work. God’s grace was with
How is God's grace wasted on a person? See this
in Galatians 2:20- "I do not get rid of the grace of God. What if a
person could become right with God by obeying the law? Then Christ died for
When your believing (looking unto Jesus
without the distractions of dependence on human effort at obedience) is
right, right living will follow. Just as the Israelites looked at
the bronze snake on the pole and got to be rid of the snake sting (sin
nature) and its effects (acts of sin and their deathly consequences,)
believing or looking unto Jesus (Grace) through whose
obedience we have everlasting righteousness is the only way to escape the grip
of sin and live the abundant life in Christ - a godly life. This is the only
way to live in triumph over sin and death (the snake sting and its effects of
earthly ills that kill.) See Romans 5:16-17-
“"And the result of God’s gracious
gift is very different from the result of that one man’s sin. For Adam’s sin
led to condemnation, but God’s free gift leads to our being made right with
God, even though we are guilty of many sins. 17 For the sin of this one man,
Adam, caused death to rule over many. But even greater is God’s wonderful grace
and His gift of righteousness, for all who receive it will live in triumph over
sin and death through this one Man, Jesus Christ.”
Beloved of God, consider Jeremiah 17:5- "The
Lord says, “Those who trust in human beings are under My curse. They depend on
human strength. Their hearts turn away from Me.""
Also see Proverbs 29:26- "Everyone
curries favor with leaders. But God is the Judge, and justice comes from
By God's Grace, don't let any “man of
God" cause your heart to turn away from our Lord
and Saviour Jesus Christ with their horrid false doctrines that promote the
seemingly good practice of dependence on even the tiniest bit of human strength
for the attainment of godliness (be like God.) Adam and Eve believed this same
false doctrine and look where it got them. You can't meet Christ halfway. He is
Saviour to the uttermost.
Beloved of God, here's something I learned today
from my pastor:
Look around you (at other human
beings, even those whom we see as "influential and women") for
help and be distressed.
Look within your human self for
salvation from sins, sickness, lack, not meeting particular standards, any earthly
ill or guilt/sorrow for your imperfections (as Judas did) and be depressed,
even suicidal. Non-believers are not left out of this deceit of trusting in
human strength (arm of flesh) for the attainment of good/success.
But keep on looking unto Jesus Christ for
salvation, (helplessly and expectantly, just as the Israelites did with the
bronze serpent,) and be at rest. He says in Matthew 11:28-
"Come to Me, all you who labor and
are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."
Only believe.
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