What it means to be dead in sin and alive in Christ
Consider three
separate occasions where Jesus raised the dead back to life:
Jairus' daughter - dead
probably for just a couple of hours (Mark 5.)
The son of the widow
of Nain - Dead for much longer than Jairus' daughter (Luke 7.)
Lazarus - in the tomb
for four days and already bringing out an odour (John 11.)
Which one of them do
you think was "more dead?"
Beloved of God, no
matter the state of deadness one is in, whether it is "she looks
like she is just sleeping" dead or "only the
skeleton is left" dead, dead means dead.
Whether five minutes
dead, one hour dead, one day dead or 100 years dead, dead is dead; the dead can
only produce rot and decay. All three that Christ raised to life were formerly
dead, albeit in different stages of decay. Now consider Colossians 2:13-
"When you were
dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your flesh (worldliness, manner
of life), God made you alive together with Christ, having [freely] forgiven us
all our sins,"
Before we encountered
Christ and the abundant life that He freely gives to all who believe, we were
all (spiritually) dead in our sins/trespasses. How "dead" in
sins were we -
- Stole a pin?
- Murdered someone?
- Fornicated?
- Told a small lie to save someone's life?
- Not that sinful?
- Sinning out of every orifice in one's body?
- Really smelling with the odour of sinful deeds that people wonder how such a person could be in existence?
- Still giving off a nice scent of "good deeds" like the freshly dead with people commenting on the luxuriousness of the dead's skin, perfect features and wholesome appearance?
Outside of life in
Christ, all are in the same category of "dead in sins" and
destined to deteriorate even with care from the living.
Before God gave us
life in Christ, all of us were formerly dead in sins- destined to for producing
maggots and awful smells of sinful deeds and then disintegrating. The one who
is dead in sins is the one who does not utterly depend on the life of Christ to
be alive. He is trying to produce good works or have life by his own
will-power. He rejects the life that God freely gives through Christ.
As it was with
Lazarus, the son of the widow of Nain and Jairus' daughter, it does not matter what the level of deterioration into "dead
in sins" that one finds himself in. Dead means dead. Without "God
made you alive together with Christ, having [freely] forgiven us all our
sins" and with zero human effort contribution to this
Christ-life, all are dead in sins. No amount of good deeds or law-keeping can
make any difference to this "dead" state that we who believe
were in before God gave us life in Christ, just as no amount of self-dressing,
perfuming and tending could bring to life Lazarus and the other two dead that
Christ raised from the dead or make them produce life.
Believer, because He
loved us so, God sacrificed His own Son for us; He made us alive together with
Christ. He forgave all our sins. Without the Christ-life in we who believe, we
are no different from the vilest offender, no matter how godly we strive to be.
Christ shows us in His conversation with Pilate that sin has degrees of
greatness; John 19:11 -
“Jesus answered, “You
could have no power at all against Me unless it had been given you from above.
Therefore the one who delivered Me to you has the greater sin.”
James 2:10
says: “For whosoever shall keep the whole law yet stumble at one point,
he is guilty of all.”
Understand the above
verse in terms of “all have sinned.” Without Christ as our
righteousness (Romans 5:9), the one who only lied about his location on the
phone for a good reason is just as guilty as the world's vilest homosexual
pedophile. This does not seem fair, until we realise that the reason why we are
not committing particular sins is because God did not allow us to get tempted
beyond what we can bear-
The potential to
commit heinous crimes is in everybody. God sees this potential and how, like
Peter before he denied Christ three times, favourable circumstances make some
churchgoers think that “I can never do that.” For those who
trust in their will-power and think that some sins are beneath them, all it
takes to be on the wrong side of Leviticus is unfavourable circumstances
matched with the right amounts of pressure.
The Law of Moses
demands that every sin be punished to the uttermost, whether rebellion in
children (which attracts the death penalty according to Leviticus 20/Deut. 21,)
fornication or homosexuality.
Like the Pharisees,
many churchgoers publicly discriminate against "hardcore sinners"
because their sins are "worse" in their opinion. Some pastors
even pick on particular sins and make you feel that you are "still
okay" because you are not committing such sins. Friend, this is
akin to dead Jairus' daughter thinking that she is not as bad as dead Lazarus because her own brand
of "dead" is only a few hours old and not as smelly! This is
pride and foolishness: to think that "my sins are better than
yours." As if it makes the wages that each will pay for sin any
different. As if it can make someone less dead.
The wages of sin is
So, a slow and
painful death by a blunt machete for the pedophile homosexual because of the
“gravity” of his sin. A quick and painful death by a sharp machete for the
fornicator. Painless death by lethal injection for the one that only told a
small lie. All sinners will die. But many among us are more concerned with the
kind of sins that other people are sinning, the method of delivery of death and
the kind of accommodation that "hardcore sinners" will have in hell
rather than death itself- A death that Christ died for all. Consider His
response to the Pharisees in Mark 2:17 below:
“15 That night Levi
invited his fellow tax collectors and many other notorious sinners to be his
dinner guests so that they could meet Jesus and His disciples. (There were many
men of this type among the crowds that followed Him.) 16 But when some of the
Jewish religious leaders saw Him eating with these men of ill repute, they said
to His disciples, “How can He stand it, to eat with such scum? 17 When Jesus
heard this, He told them, “Healthy people don’t need a doctor—sick people do. I
have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know
they are sinners.”
Very crucial, verse
17: a person who does not believe that he is sick isn't likely to want the
services of a doctor. Such are still blinded. One has to acknowledge his sins
and utter lack of righteousness in order to benefit from God's saving Grace who
saves from sins, and this we do by Grace alone.
Professing to belong
to the Good Shepherd while trying to normalise, accommodate or shove whatever
God's Law describes as sin down the throats of others because "I
was born that way" is not of Christ. Such who do this do not
(yet) see their need for the Good Shepherd who came to redeem us from slavery
to the Law and to save us from our sins.
Thank God that the
church is like a hospital filled with believers in Christ, all of whom are
alive because of one reason:
"God made you
alive together with Christ, having [freely] forgiven us all our sins,"
We who believe are
all in different stages of recovery and as we look to Jesus Christ alone for
salvation, we are being transformed to wholeness by our Shepherd and Physician,
Jesus Christ. In Him, we get to look forward to having life and having it more
abundantly. No more decay into death in hell for us. And all
through Christ working in us. And like the lost sheep that was found, on His
shoulders- utterly dependent on Him for righteousness and strength with
no self-medication whatsoever - we never remain the same. Our path
gets brighter and brighter… Matthew 1:21 says of Him-
"She will bear a
Son; and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their
Also Titus
2:14- "He gave His life to free us from every kind of sin, to
cleanse us, and to make us His very own people, totally committed to doing good
In Christ, we are not
under Law but under Grace, not so that we should normalise or accommodate what
God's word says is sin and continue to wallow in same but for us to be freed
and saved from those sins by Christ. We have been given Grace to see that
everyone born of Adam is a helpless sinner by default (Romans 5:19;) held
captive by sin and death from which no man is able to save himself.
Believer, "When
you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your flesh
(worldliness, manner of life), God made you alive together with Christ, having
[freely] forgiven us all our sins,"
We who believe were
all formerly dead in sins- whether "fornication" dead, "lied
for a good reason" dead or "murderer" dead- no matter
the degree of sins, outside of Christ, we were all dead.
As believers in
Christ, God has raised us from the dead and has made us alivetogether with
Christ. Just as people who suffer from diarrhoea, missing limbs or whatever
ailment are still alive and have hope of getting better with the help of a
physician, in Christ, we still mess things up from time to time, but in His
care, utterly trusting and depending on salvation, our path only shine “brighter
and brighter….” Not so for those who are dead- those who depend on
their human might and power to produce the life that God gives freely with
Christ aka those who try to become or produce good by keeping the Law.
Remember, “the letter (letter) kills but the Spirit gives life" and
with the Spirit of the Lord, it is neither by human might nor power.
Christ did not come
to tell bad people to try to be good by their own will-power. He came to raise
the dead (in sins) to life in Himself. He knows how screwed up we are of
ourselves. He came not to condemn or do SMH at us but to save-
“For God did not send
His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world should be saved
through Him.” John
This verse is right
after John 3:16 which opens with “For God so loved the world......" That
“world” includes everybody. Christ died for all and saves all who
believe in Him, even salvation from sin and death, no matter who we are:
“21 But now God has
shown us a way to be made right with Him without keeping the requirements of
the law, as was promised in the writings of Moses and the prophets long ago. 22
We are made right with God by placing our faith in Jesus Christ. And this is
true for everyone who believes, no matter who we are.”
This is Grace-
undeserved, unearned, unmerited favour.
Believer, no matter
how long ago or how recently it has been since God raised us from the dead and
made us alive in Christ, no matter how Grace-filled we are, no matter the
exploits that we are doing, we are still as 100% helpless of ourselves and
as WHOLLY dependent on Him for everything as we were on the
day that He called us to Christ. For the true believer, our story is always
"None of self. All of Christ." He is our only boast.
The healthy do not
need the Physician. Sheep that can take care of themselves don't need the Good
Shepherd. None of us has "arrived" yet. Christ is the
Physician/Shepherd of all who believe in Him. In Him, God sees us as righteous,
"even though we are guilty of many sins." See Romans 5:16-
"And the result
of God’s gracious gift is very different from the result of that one man’s sin.
For Adam’s sin led to condemnation, but God’s free gift leads to our being made
right with God, even though we are guilty of many sins."
Antichrist pastors
preach dependence on the arm of flesh (human effort) that will fail to make one
righteous/godly aka "be like God," just as Satan did with Eve. Such
call this truth in Romans 5:16 above "blasphemy" and "license
to sin" but God's word in the very next verse says differently.
His word says receiving His abundance of Grace and His gift of righteousness to
us in Christ is the Way to live in triumph over sin and death: Romans 5:16-17-
"And the result
of God’s gracious gift is very different from the result of that one man’s sin.
For Adam’s sin led to condemnation, but God’s free gift leads to our being made
right with God, even though we are guilty of many sins. 17 For the
sin of this one man, Adam, caused death to rule over many. But even
greater is God’s wonderful grace and His gift of righteousness, for all who
receive it will live in triumph over sin and death through this one Man, Jesus
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