The LORD Himself holds us up with His righteous right Hand

Mommies and daddies, when you cross the street with your little children, do you hold on to them or do they hold on to you? If it was up to our little children to hang on to us in order to avoid danger as they cross busy streets, even our older kids, many street-crossings wouldn't have happy endings:) How much more our Father in heaven! In Christ, God is our Abba Father. We are His little children. Remember the words of our Saviour Jesus Christ in Matthew 18:3-4:

"And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. 4 Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven."

In order for Christ to be to you Saviour; in order for Him to help you overcome the challenges and dangers (sins, addictions, fear, depression, every earthly ill) of this street-crossing called life, you have to see yourself as a helpless little child who does not know his left from his right, and this we do only by God's grace. Ask Him for His revelation and He will bless you. If you can cross the street on your own (keep the Law perfectly) you don't need Him to save you from getting struck down! But law-keeping cannot make any righteous in God's sight, says Romans 3:20.

In biblical times, the rod of a shepherd was a two to four foot club used for defending and protecting the sheep from predators and robbers. It was a weapon or tool to provide safety for the flock. The staff was used to hold the sheep during shearing and for gentle correction or re-directing when a sheep is going astray.  

Our Lord and our God Jesus Christ wants nothing more than for you to be His sheep and He your Shepherd. In Him, His rod and His staff they comfort us. Covered on every side! The Lord protects us His sheep and keeps us from going astray! His correction is for our profit, never harmful. EVEN OUR GIVING (shearing of the sheep) is ordered by the Lord. In Christ, there is no escaping His goodness and mercy. IN CHRIST, WE GET TO DO HIS WILL AND NOT BY HUMAN EFFORT.

Yet many people present our loving Abba Father as a hard Taskmaster who will abandon you, His own child in Christ, in the middle of the expressway because you let go! Because you sinned. This is not the Good News. Where is the comfort here? Even we humans would carry our kids across if they did their best to wriggle out of our grip as we walk together! How much more our Father in heaven who gave His own Son up for us just so that we can be His little children!

Believers, in Christ, we're no longer holding onto our Lord God where one mistake (letting go,) big or small, spells doom for us. This is the Law. Under grace - undeserved, unmerited favour, we get to walk the right path and avoid danger because the Lord Himself, our Shepherd, leads us on the path of righteousness. He keeps us from going astray. He is the One upholding us. By His grace, let's be bold and confident in His upholding because He said so Himself: Isaiah 41:10

'Fear not, for I am with you;
Be not dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you,
Yes, I will help you,
I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’

The Holy Spirit will teach you all things.

Believe Right and you will Live Right.


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