What is your "issue of blood?" Christ will save you

Believers, the woman with the issue of blood had done her best to get healed with no success. Her sickness only got worse! But her encounter with Christ changed her life forever. She went to Him in her unclean state, empty of works, with no fasting, no seed sown, no law, nothing but her believing what she heard about Jesus: "This Man heals freely with no terms and conditions attached."

If a sharp Pharisee had noticed her in the crowd, she would have been stoned to death. But she had her encounter with Christ and was never the same again. She was delivered from the very thing that made her a pariah; the very thing that made her unclean; the very thing that disqualified her from coming into His presence to receive from Him.

What is your own "issue of blood" today? Is it "not loving God," road rage, porn addiction, fear, worry, adultery, sickness, inferiority/superiority complex, rudeness, fornication, lack, poverty, envy, discontentment, barrenness, a hot temper, uncontrollable anger, disease, drug addiction, depression, stress, low IQ, your kids' poor grades at school or even double-mindedness about "what these grace people are saying?" Take everything to our Saviour today. No need to clean yourself before He gives you His own blood-bought gift of righteousness. You can't even, because our own righteousnesses with which we clean ourselves are like menstrual rags according to Isaiah. No one can be made righteous in God's sight by doing what the law commands according to Romans 3:20.

Like the woman with the issue of blood, come to Him as you are and He will make you clean. He will give you His Shalom (Hebrew word meaning peace, harmony, wholeness, completeness, prosperity, welfare and tranquility.) Keeping the law to get right with God will only cut one off from Christ, as it would have the unclean woman if she had continued in her futile effort to make herself clean before going to receive her miracle; as it is written in Galatians 5:4 -
"For if you are trying to make yourselves right with God by keeping the law, you have been cut off from Christ! You have fallen away from God’s grace."

Believer in Christ, you are God's beloved. Think what you wouldn't do for your own kids. How much more our Father in heaven who gave His Son to die for us! See the Father's love for you!

As it was with the woman with the issue of blood, when you come to Him with nothing but your believing in Him, He will deliver you from whatever it is that makes you unclean. You will not remain in sin.

Believe Right and you will Live Righ


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