What qualifies us for God's Grace?

Believers, the very things that the world says disqualifies you for the blessings of our Lord God are what qualifies you for His undeserved, unmerited favour. Our Saviour Jesus Christ came for the sick, not those who have it all together. He came to make the sick whole again. To save us from sin and death.

Remember that you are God's beloved. Instead of doing things (self-righteous acts of works of the Law which kill) in order to remain afloat and in the presence of our Saviour when trouble comes or when you fall, like Peter, focus on our Lord Jesus Christ. Call on Him and He will grab you immediately! Those who believe that they can stay afloat and not fall into pits on their own do not need a Saviour. He came for the helpless. He wants nothing more than for us to see how helpless we are without Him. He wants you, a sheep, to stop fending for yourself/shearing yourself and let Him do it all for you.

Think of the relationship between a sheep and its shepherd. Imagine a sheep shearing itself with a razor and thinking that this is what the Shepherd wants. The sheep can't. It will only get hurt in the process. The sheep is lost without the Shepherd as we are totally lost without Him. Our helplessness is the very thing that qualifies us for His help.

Call on Him and He will help you out of whatever pit you fall in, no questions asked, freely, even if you messed things up all by yourself to begin with. And He will lead you on the path of righteousness; you will not continue to sin.

Romans 3:10 says "... “There is none righteous, no, not one;"" All the law-keeping and good works done to get right with God only leads to death. These things are filthy rags according to Isaiah 64:6
With Christ as your righteousness, your path is like the shining sun that shines ever brighter unto the perfect day! Proverbs 4:18

When you rely on Christ and not your works to make you right with God, you will not continue to sin but "produce a harvest a harvest of good deeds for God." See Romans 7:4

The Holy Spirit will teach you all things.

Believe Right and you will Live Right.


  1. Nice article. Indeed heaven helps those who can't help themselves!


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