Being born-again/repentance- what is it?

Believers, true deliverance is not suppressing the desire to commit sin by our own strength. Being born-again/repentance is not deciding to do good (filthy rags) all by yourself in order to be on the "correct" side of God so that He can bless you. This points to the law of Moses and " by strength shall no man prevail." Think Peter when he swore that he would never deny our Saviour! Trying to keep the law will only produce more sin because according to 1 Corinthians 15:56"the strength of sin is the law." Keeping the law in order to get right with God is what cuts one off from Christ too(Galatians 5:4)

True deliverance is being freed from fear, unbelief and the urge to sin, not by your own efforts at suppressing those sinful habits but by our Lord Jesus Christ. The desire to sin is taken away and God "works in us both to will and to do for His good pleasure" (see Philippians 2:13)! True repentance is allowing yourself to be carried on our Saviour's shoulders like that sheep in the Parable of the Lost Sheep. The sheep did nothing but allow itself to be carried but our Lord Jesus counts this as repentance!This is Grace, God's undeserved, unmerited favour showered on us in Christ. 

With Christ, we don't give to get; we get to give. Imagine the sheep trying to prove that it can walk on its own, find its way home or even thinking that it has to do certain things before the Shepherd will give it food on the way; but many believers are doing this today!

Trust in our Saviour Jesus and not your ability to stop sinning all by yourself. You can't. The law cannot make you righteous in God's sight. Under the law, just one small stain puts one in the same boat of unrighteousness as pedophiles and murderers! James 2:10 says if you break one law you are guilty of all. So if you're turning up your nose at "bad people" and thinking that you are better than they are because you don't do the things they do...wait, even the act of turning up your nose at them makes one liable to judgment too!

Receive the abundance of grace and of His gift of righteousness and you'll wake up one day and realise that those fears, sins and addictions haven't even crossed your mind in months, and they disgust you now! You will reign in life (have peace, health and wealth) and live right without even knowing it or knowing how. Yet not you but Christ in you. This is Grace, undeserved, unmerited favour.

What's more, when you realise that it is Christ that made you overcome, like our Saviour Jesus, you will have compassion on sinners and not preach condemning messages to them! God didn't send Jesus to condemn the world but that through Him the world might be saved.

The law tells the man with no legs: "Walk, or die!"

Grace (our Lord Jesus Christ) says to the man with no legs: "Receive brand new legs and the power to walk free of charge! Receive power to run faster than Usain Bolt free of charge! Through you, I will give legs to those without legs free of charge! Don't worry, I am always right here with you. When you stumble, I will not do SMH at you. In fact, because I am the one holding you up, when you stumble, you will not fall utterly! I will strengthen you. I will help you. I will uphold you with My victorious Right Hand. Even with your shortcomings, you are My beloved forever!"

It is our Lord Jesus' gift of no condemnation that makes us go and sin no more. It is a gift!

Believers, are you conflicted and confused about what it means to be in Christ? Do you wonder what it means to be under Grace? Are you worried about how to manage the moral issues of the day especially when we who preach God's grace tell you that God does not condemn you when you sin? Are you confused about it all? Ask our Heavenly Father today. Your prayer doesn't even have to be perfect. He knows what you're about to ask and His greatest desire is for you to prosper and be in health! A simple "Daddy, I don't know what to do, but my eyes are on you. Help me in Jesus' name" will do!

The Holy Spirit will teach you all things.

Believe Right and you will Live Right.


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