Stress-free work in Christ

Believers whose righteousness is found in Christ, our Lord Jesus sweated blood in the Garden of Gethsemane so that you should stop eating bread "by the sweat of your brow." His blood dropped on the ground that was cursed for Adam's sake, so that we should no longer eat of it in toil all the days of our lives. Adam had a job in the Garden of Eden but it was stress-free work. In Christ, part of the blessings for believers is working stress-free (no wahala from employees/bosses/colleagues/clients plus better results in terms of profits and remuneration). We also have much more than this because "as He is, so are we in this world."!

By His grace, stay under the hearing of faith (the law is not of faith so stop trying to get right with God by keeping the Ten Commandments - see Galatians 5:4). Actively confess your righteousness in Christ out loud and watch the stress give way to His peace that surpasses all understanding! The Holy Spirit will teach you all things.


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