RE: LETTER TO OUR WIVES FROM 'THE COMMITTEE OF HUSBANDS - *30 Things Nigerian Husbands Want And Expect From Our Wives*

This post caught my attention - LETTER TO OUR WIVES FROM 'THE COMMITTEE OF HUSBANDS - *30 Things Nigerian Husbands Want And Expect From Our Wives*

The "30 things" include commands like "Go and slim down" and "Treat us like a king." Many of the attributes are commendable and even expected of a virtuous woman. But do you know the one thing that husbands are to do regarding their wives? Love them. Many husbands do love their wives but this love that Paul was talking about is no ordinary love - Husbands are to love their wives as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her! Ephesians 5:22.

But how did Christ love the church? Here's how. He died to the imputation, punishment and judgment of the church's sins. He went like a sheep to the slaughter for the church. He allowed Himself to be nailed to the cross for the church. Not only did He forgive every single sin that the church ever committed, He lay down His life so that the church can have everlasting life. He never once condemned the church. Never once told the church "How could you do this?" or "I told you so" or "You've started this your nonsense again o:)"

No husband on earth can do these things by their own effort, just as no woman can ever keep those 30 commandments in that letter.

If you're thinking "Well, she doesn't have to do all of them, at least 70% is still okay," just think what you would do if you bought a brand new car and someone bashed 30% of it. Most people won't be thinking about the 70% that is "still okay!" Some people will still get angry even when the person that bashed their car did no damage to their vehicle.

Our young people are advised to marry "well-behaved" spouses that can cook, buy a house and have bright prospects, even when no one but our Lord God knows tomorrow! You'll notice that in all of these rules and regulations, Christ doesn't feature at all! It's all about the length of the wedding gown and banning of weaves. Let's point our young people to Christ's love for them and not to their efforts and window dressing. More rules and regulations kill but the Spirit gives life! When these young people have Christ's love preached to them and not "washing of the outside," the Holy Spirit will teach them all things and transform them from within - they will Live Right.

At marriage seminars, we keep hearing things like "Love your wife," but how can you love someone who does not respect you? We hear things like "Be submissive to your husband" but how can you be submissive to a man that does not respect you? How can women keep these 30 commandments:)

With man, this is impossible. But thank God that with Him (God), all things are possible!

The key to loving the unlovable and undeserving (which is what Christ did for us!) is found in 1 John 4:19 - "We love because He first loved us."

When the love of Christ, His grace and His gift of righteousness to believers is preached from the pulpit (not more laws, which kill), the church will love Him back and love others too without even knowing it. Wives will perform these 30 commandments and much more without being conscious of it. Husbands will love their wives as Christ loved the church through no effort of theirs. Nothing to do with efforts and self-determination. Young people will love and have a passion for all things Christ without knowing how. All to do with the Holy Spirit transforming us to the image of our Lord's glory as it is written in 2 Corinthians 3:18 - "But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord."

Seek first the kingdom of God (righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit - all gifts) and His righteousness (not your righteousness, but His, which is a freely given gift in Christ) and all these things shall be added unto you - including the grace to love that wonderfully made spouse of yours and yes, keep the 30 commandments in that letter to Nigerian wives:)

Believe Right and you will Live Right!


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