The Holy Spirit transforms us from inside out

On our wedding day, I covered myself properly with a bolero worn over my wedding dress during the 'church part' of the ceremony because the church had their rules about what not to wear. I didn't want to wear a bolero. I got away with having a train on my dress, even though it wasn't allowed. But as soon as we got to the wedding reception, I flung the bolero away:)

We are often concerned about the moral issues of the day; what is right and what is wrong. But one thing is for sure - legislation can (sometimes) force one to act right as it did when I wore the bolero in church, but it can never make one have a change of heart. It cannot transform anyone.

Believers in Christ, Grace (our Lord Jesus) came to transform hearts. He didn't come to modify behaviour or tell us again what is good and what is bad. Moses already did this with the law. Jesus did not bring the law a second time. By the law is the knowledge of good and evil - and those who eat of this tree die, like Adam and Eve. The good things we do using this knowledge can kill as fast as the bad. This is why a kind boss can reward a hardworking employee with a car and then the employee, who happens to be a careful driver, still dies in a crash involving the same car, which he took to church for dedication and thanksgiving before the accident!

Jesus came to transform hearts. He came to make us see God as our loving Father and not a demanding master that is ready to let the devil deal with believers that slip-up. Think of the relationship you have with your earthly parents or your children. Think what you would do if your child was sick. You would want to take the sickness upon yourself so he can be free! Our Heavenly Father loves us much more than this. He came bodily to die in our place. He came to give us His righteousness as a gift because in His eyes, the righteousnesses (good works) of the best of us are filthy rags. His Spirit transforms us from glory to glory.

When the heart is transformed, people won't need anyone to give them rules and regulations before they act right. People won't need to be told to dress, talk and act in a manner that glorifies God before they do so. It will be their passion! They will not want to sin. They will love to talk about our wonderful Saviour Jesus. They will give more, pray more, do more, yet not them but Christ in them, so they might not even notice that they have changed outwardly...but others will. The transformation by the Holy Spirit leads to right living but many in the church have it backwards and tell believers that they need to stop sinning in order to be transformed!

So how does our transformation take place? According to 2 Corinthians 3:18, it is by beholding Jesus! 

"But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord."

But how do you behold Jesus? When you look in the mirror of your life, see not your flaws and shortcomings but the righteousness that our Lord Jesus has given to you as a gift by taking your place on the cross (2 Cor.5:21). See yourself as God sees you in Christ - RIGHTEOUS apart from your works (the good or bad things you do). Confess 1 John 4:17 "as He is so are we in this world." 

We are not on a journey to be like Christ, we are already like Him. Confess that you are the righteousness of God in Christ, even in the midst of your sins and addictions. Abraham went by his new name which means "father of multitude" even when he had no child. In time, he bore fruit - Isaac came. Confess that you are the righteousness of God in Christ and the Holy Spirit will transform you. You will bear fruit! 

The Holy Spirit transforms us, not our efforts. If you could save yourself, Jesus would not have needed to come and die in your place!

Remember that when Moses came down from Mount Sinai and read the law to the Israelites, they were afraid and ran away because the law condemned them all, as it does today. This is why many young people shun church or go only when their parents force them to - the law is being read to the people. 

But sinners, prostitutes and tax collectors flocked to Jesus to hear Him because He never condemned them or gave them rules and regulations to abide by before they could fellowship with Him and receive from Him. This is how Zacchaeus the abominable tax collector was transformed to a giver. This is Grace - God's undeserved, unmerited favour.

In Christ, there is no condemnation for believers, and like the woman caught in adultery, it is this gift of no condemnation that makes us go and sin no more.

Like the people who were about to stone the woman to death, many people deceive themselves into thinking that they are okay and have the right to act as judge over others because they do not commit sins like murder or fornication (law-keeping again) but the truth is without the Lord as your righteousness, even if you live in a bubble where you are given everything you need and your thoughts are regulated to be "good," without our Lord as your righteousness, you are still in the same boat of unrighteousness as child molesters, armed robbers, liars and thieves! No one on earth can EVER cast the first stone. James 2:10 says you are guilty of all the law if you slip up in one but many believers still use it as their standard of righteousness.

God's grace is not a license to sin, much like you don't see diplomats going berserk and breaking laws in their host country because they have diplomatic immunity. They can't be prosecuted even if they commit murder in the host country but we don't see them breaking the law. How much more us ambassadors of Christ! How can we who are dead to sin live any longer in it?

We can dish out all the laws we like to put people in check but it can never transform the heart. Only Grace can. Like my bolero incident, people will go back to their sin when they think they have a little relief from the demands of the law. It's like washing a maggot-infested pot. You can wash the outside all you like(do this, don't wear that, sow seed etc) . With the inside unwashed, more maggots will crawl out sooner or later. What is inside determines what comes out and only the Holy Spirit can transform the heart. The law kills but the Spirit gives life!

Pastors and leaders, preach this message of God's love - His undeserved, unmerited favour that we have in Christ Jesus. His abundant Grace. Expound on His gift of righteousness from the pulpit and "all these things will be added unto" the people - including the grace to go and sin no more!
Believe Right and you will Live Right.

P.S. Looking back, I see that the bolero made sense gan, but I'm glad I had the train!


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