In Christ, you are God's beloved!

Believers in Christ, always remember that you are God's beloved. Whenever the devil comes around with his fiery darts (people and thoughts designed to make you condemn yourself by telling you that you are no longer God's beloved because of "what you just did,"), bring those thoughts "into captivity to the obedience of Christ" by confessing your righteousness in Him. Romans 5:19 "For as by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, so also by one Man’s obedience many will be made righteous."

Our righteousness in Christ is our weapon against all attacks of the enemy. With it, there is no condemnation for all who believe in our Lord Jesus Christ. Remember that God loves you unconditionally and always sees you as righteous in Christ. Your righteousness is not found in what you do or do not do, but in Christ! (2 Corinthians 5:21). It's a gift (Romans 5:17).

You see, before an accused person can face the consequences of breaking the law, the prosecutor needs a guilty verdict. In this court of law (your mind), once you are found guilty of charges levelled against you by the accuser/prosecutor (Satan), condemnation follows; then the judgment of the law (breaking just one law opens the doors to ALL the curses of Deuteronomy 28!). Being your own advocate will send you straight to prison in this court, because 'all have sinned.' The flesh by itself is always guilty and can never "cast the first stone." There is no good in it.

Because the Judge (our Heavenly Father) is righteous in His judgments, giving excuses and doing things to "make up for the sin" or to "get right with Him" just won't cut it. No amount of restitution or ‘sorry’ can change or lighten the judgment. Only the blood of our sinless Saviour Jesus can deliver us from this judgment.

Believers in Christ, praise the Lord for we are no longer under law but under grace. Jesus took our place in that court room so we are no longer condemned. He died for our sins. He took our place - died to the imputation, penalty and judgment for our sins. He even restored that which He did not take away (did our restitution) - Psalms 69:4.

Don't be your own advocate. Let Jesus be your Advocate. When you make those mistakes/ find yourself unable to resist that addiction and feel really bad for what you did, present our Lord Jesus as your righteousness, not your own works. He came to deliver you from those very sins and transform you to the image of His glory.

Remember that in Christ, our Heavenly Father ALWAYS sees you as righteous. According to Galatians 5:4, Christ becomes of no effect to those who try to keep the law in order to be righteous. Law-keeping in order to get right with God cuts one off from Christ and leads to more sins and condemnation. No wonder some beloved believers are living life condemned, with a veil upon their hearts, blinded to God's grace (Jesus) in their reading of the law and experiencing symptoms of the curse.

Believers, when you act on preaching that tells you that you need to do or not do some things (keep the law) in order to be righteous, you are saying that God's gift of righteousness is not enough to save you from condemnation and judgment!

When you start to break generational curses that Paul said Christ has delivered us from (Galatians 3:13) in order to be free indeed, you are saying that the work of Jesus is not enough! According to Our Lord God Himself, "No weapon formed against you shall prosper" is an INHERITANCE for the servants of the Lord whose righteousness is from Him! (Isaiah 54:17.) His protection (as with all things - Romans 8:32) is freely given in Christ, not worked for.

All you need to do to be saved is believe, and even that no one can do on their own: God called us to Christ! We are saved by grace through faith.

Jesus isn't in the business of you playing your part (being apart from the Vine) and Him doing the rest. He said "...for without me, you can do nothing." He wants to save you by Himself. You can't do anything yourself, anyway.

But God's grace is not a license to continue in sin. It is the key to effortless right living. We are transformed by the Holy Spirit, not by keeping the law. God hates sin because it hurts His beloved and separates them from Him. He wants us to reign in life and be in constant fellowship with Him, so He made His Son who knew no sin to be sin for us that we might become the righteousness of God in Him - 2 Corinthians 5:21. This "not guilty" verdict that we have received through Christ frees us from every condemnation. And it is this gift of no condemnation that makes us go and sin no more!

Believe Right and you will Live Right!


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